Wednesday, March 31, 2010


4.a strong or compelling desire or craving: hunger for power.


Lil Malik:

Guilty Simpson:

Big Daddy Kane:

Kool G Rap:

Black Thought:

Only a few, but feel free to add your own


The (Blogs) Won't Let Me Chill

My wonderful, beautiful, and talented friend, Dr. Fredara Hadley, asked me why I stopped blogging. There's a simple answer:


Not like I haven't tweeted most of my life away already, so what's the purpose of a blog? Then it hit me:

I write to keep sane (DID YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?)

Plus some of my previous posts were, if I can jump on my own dick for a minute, really good. I doubt myself way too much and I'm still learning how to at least keep it at bay. I'm a Leo, damnit, I'm supposed to have an ego. There's a reason why I don't wild out and it deals with a moon in Libra; balance/peace/harmony.* As much as I want to be the star of the story, I know my limitations and weaknesses.


Still on my Staycation, still pondering, still have no exciting answer to "So what you've been up to?", still making beats (which I'm happy to say I've been improving on), still P.R.O.V

Some new things:
-a new dog, who goes apeshit whenever he sees me. How can you not love something/one that loves you unconditionally?
-a suit for a wedding that had an interesting turn of events for me (don't ask)
-going to Vegas for the first time to hang with some good,good friends whom (?) I miss dearly. Also I need to get away from New York
-dad needs another surgery :-(

Hmm...yeah that's about it. Once I figure out what I want to talk about (or at least a sense of where to take this blog), I'll post more. Until then...


*Did this muthafukka just use astrology? Why yes he did

**pardon if this post seem disjointed, I'm 1) being too lazy to edit, 2) unsober, and 3) listening to Straight Outta Compton. Speaking of NWA, I think I've gotten "old". When I say "old", I mean like your parents when they heard you playing this. You felt it was the best shit ever and they didn't get it because they were out of touch. Your parents hated it because every third word was a curse. Yeah that's me, kinda over the profanity (see? I even typed a "proper parental" word). Anyway, I promise to do better in the upcoming posts. Just wanted to say Hi (or Welcome).