I was on BGOL* recently and there was a post with a video link. Dudes were jumping out shoes and socks** to say they ain't downloading. The chick wasn't ugly plus Brian and Wesley weren't in the clip. But nope, dudes acted like you were going to charge them a monthly fee. Umm...
Sure you might be filling up space or your connection gets slow for a couple of minutes, but it's FREE! Has it really gotten to the point where we're eh about freebies since the net is a big wide open freebie paradise?** Disgusting. You're on a site that basically offers you gifts and you're like "Nah, it's too small". Muthafukka that could have been keys to a whip but nooooo you wanna be picky. That's why your ass is walking, dogs screaming in this heat. Yuk.
So yeah, I don't understand the dismissal of free porn***
*yes I like porn like every other red-blooded male with an internet connection.
**that is if you know where/how to look, but I know folks who couldn't find their emails so...
***if the link dies, oops. Also this isn't the vid in question. Actually I forgot.
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